Thursday, July 2, 2009

Honduras / Iran???

Well for the last two weeks the people of the world have watched the Iranian Government brutally put down demonstrations over the election. Neda and many others were killed, people beaten, and even children abused by their police, militia, and special units. What did we get from our President? Five days after the fact there was a weakly worded statement basically saying what your doing is bad, and you shouldn't do it. I wasn't that impressed.

Now, enter Honduras. Mr Zelyas, the overthrown leader was a thug, and a thug that was attempting to circumvent his countries Constitution and stay in power beyond his term limits. He also had been conducting various human rights violations, and was trying to move Honduras more and more towards a semi-authoritarian state. Sounds like a nice guy.

So the Honduran Military overthrew him, AND there is widespread condemnation! God Forbid they do this from Obama! He has condemned them, threatened to cut aid, and cut off all military advisor support. So what is the difference? Is it the fact that your book of the month club friend Hugo Chavez was greatly upset by this change in government? Hmmm....

I am really starting to get scared by this President's idiotic and ludicrous decisions. I am scared for our countries welfare and scared for my husband and all the Soldiers like him. I can only guess at the stupidity that this person will have them doing.

God Bless America....and God do we need it!


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