Tuesday, July 21, 2009

American "Liberal" Nurses Association

Have you seen those nurses that are constantly being paraded out by Obama every time he wants to sell his health-care plan? I'm sure we'll be seeing a lot more of them too, with his poll numbers down to 49% approval of his health-care plan. But, I'm off topic.

I have been a Nurse now for over 14 years. Most of that spent in ER / Trauma, but also some in ortho and pediatrics. I was asked a number of times to join the American Nurses Association, and every time over that time period I declined. Very simply put, their political stances are very liberal, and they are not ashamed to plaster it all over their website.

Just during this past election, I checked out their website. What I found was not a discussion of which candidate was best but rather an, "I Love Obama Fest", that would have made Chris Matthews sick! We all know how much ole Chris is in love with him.

So when you see the American Nurses Association paraded out by Obama, just remember they do not represent all nurses. They have had a liberal agenda for a long time, and this is nothing new for them. It is exactly why, many of us do not join them.


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