Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Obama's Apology Tour

I'm just sitting here wondering why our President has felt it necessary to go on a world tour apologizing to everyone for the United States? Here's a couple quickie facts....

1. The United States has given more or our young men and women defending other people and countries then anyone else in history.
2. The United States has given more money as a government to other governments and private entities then any other country.
3. Our private citizens in the United States have given more charitable donations to others then any other country.

Here is another example. Our private citizens are continually traveling to China to do humanitarian assistance and adopt chinese babies. But, the Chinese Government is the number one buyer of US Treasury Bills. Why can they buy our TBills, further indebting us to them, while our Citizens are spending their money to help chinese citizens. Does any of this make sense?

I'm puzzled why, after all of this, we should be apologizing. If people don't want our help, well maybe we should just stop giving it. I wonder how long the rest of the world would go without our assistance.


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