Wednesday, April 29, 2009

obama 100 days press conference

HOLY COW! Where to start...

President obama held a press conference tonight in prime time (his 3rd in 3 mo). My question, where was the press? Or, I'm sorry, where were their voices? Obama has essentially neutered the press with his prepared list of only 13 liberal people to call upon, his mind-numbingly long answers that don't really answer any significant question, and his ability to avoid ANY economic questions in the middle of one of the worst economic times in this country's history.

Okay, am taking a breath. A few standout points:

1. Great Britain's Churchill did not torture the Germans because they were uniformed soldiers of a recognized enemy army, as per the Geneva Convention. However, they have no problem using VERY enhanced interrogation techniques with the IRA or spies.
Most of all, I am very scared that our President does not see anytime that he would approve enhanced interrogation methods, NOT ANY TIME.

2. What the hell is going on when a member of the press asks such a soft question as "What has surprised, enchanted, etc him about his first 100 days" ! Please!!! There were no questions to challenge his policy on the economy, the HUGE spending/increased taxes, the flight of fear over NYC a few days ago or anything substantial to the current times.

I am angry that Obama is getting a pass from the press, that Obama disrespects the American People by thinking they are so ignorant that they can not see the OBVIOUS orchestrating of every aspect of this conference and his presidency. Orchestrating is not new, but Obama brings it to new heights each and every day.

I am sad that I have to sit here tonight and put into words what should be obvious to someone who is the leader of the free world.


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