Wednesday, June 3, 2009

So Much To Talk About...

Where oh where do I begin....

Lets start with the fact that with the exception of Fox News, no major news outlet will call the Recruiting Station Attack what it was, a terrorist attack. Whether he was born here or not, it doesn't matter, he strove to attack an infrastructure of the government in order to make a grievance known. That is a definition of an insurgent. He also did it in a very public place, where it would be highly covered in the media, causing fear. That is a definition of terrorism. Are we that afraid now to call a terrorist attack what it is?

Secondly we have Obama in Saudi Arabia. I found it quite amusing that the King would not hold his hand. For those who know Arab culture, and the Saudi King's prior interaction with leaders, this is quite unusual. Maybe we should take a lesson from him.

Third, what is the big speech tomorrow? Hmmm....oh I don't know, but I can make a guess. I would bet he is going to do three things. One, he is going to apologize to the Arab world again, for as he would put it, American arrogance. Second he is going to call upon Israel to stop the settlements and immediately accept the two state solution. Three, he is going to try to embrace Iran again. How far he is going to go on the last one I am not sure. After the last 24 hours, and inviting them to 4th of July BBQ's I cant even begin to guess at specifics.

Whatever he says, I'm sure I'll have plenty to write on tomorrow night. Can our foreign policy get any worse?


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