Sunday, June 7, 2009

Honoring D-Day Vets

WWII brought so many of our nation's young men to the frontlines. Two of these great men were my Grandfathers. One was a Marine in the Pacifice front and one an Army soldier in Europe. My grandfather that fought in Europe has passed on, but attened the 50th D-Day Anniversary and every 82nd Airborne function he could find. My Marine grandfather was just brought to Washington, D.C. recently as one of the last WWII vets as they opened the National WWII Memorial. I am so proud of both of them. They are great men that fought in horrible conditions and came out the other end with a perspective that has made them heros in their families and communities by everyday acts of charity and generousity. They loved their country and were willing to give themselves as sacrifice if needed for the freedom of the world. May their memory along with all WWII Vets and Fallen Soldiers never be forgotten.

On one of the D-Day Celebrations in Europe, Obama ignored the group of 82nd Airborne soldiers saluting him and went over to a bystander instead. I am sure the bystander was important, but a small sign if respect would have been nice, if only because the 82nd Airborne lost THOUSANDS of men that day....


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