Sunday, May 24, 2009

obama and his hypocrisy

Have you noticed how obama is stating over and over this weekend how much he honors the US Military and all of our Veterans? Gee, its funny I just don't believe him.

Maybe its the fact that since he came into office he has been cutting defense spending. Maybe it's because he's been trying to reduce Veteran's benefits. Maybe because it's his DHS that releases memos stating returning Veterans are a threat to national security. Maybe its because of the pompous way that he stages photo ops with the military to try and show support.

He even has promised that with all of his defense cuts the family programs will not be touched. Well that sounds great, but what that really means is training and equipping funds will be hit hard. So you can have a wonderful looking base, but no money to train with. Gee, that's really honoring our Veterans and Military, preventing them from training for their next mission.

obama talks a nice game. He says things that sound good on the surface, but as soon as you start peeling back the layers you find nothing but rotten festering agendas. Most importantly, actions speak louder then words, lets see some actions that actually honor the military obama.


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