Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Wow! What a Party!

I am still downloading all of my photos and video from the Kansas City, MO Tea Party that happened today from 4pm-about 6:30pm. I am at a loss for words....I was not sure who would be there or how many or if there would be trouble or what. I had never been involved in any type of rally or protest in my life. I was deeply moved and VERY motivated.

There were some there that were obviously angry and on a mission to be heard. The majority, it seemed, were like me: concerned about the state of our government, concerned for our country's future and just hoping there were plenty others out there who felt the same. I asked a few who did not want to be on camera, why they had come. The answers were slightly differing but the same in that they felt the federal government has gotten too big and does not represent the people's best interest. They were from diffents backgrounds and professions. There had been rumors of such a "silent majority", but the proof is now in my camera and in my heart.

Okay, so much for my gushy comments. There were some wonderful speakers, including a 17 yr old who gave a wonderful speech on leadership. Here was the line up:

Paul Hamby, Campaign for Liberty
Rob Willard, Club for Growth
Joseph Bridgman, TeenPact Leadership School
Eric Zahnd, Platte County Prosecutor (great speech!!)
Mike Ferguson, Libertarian Party
Michelle Davis, American Family Association
Hearne Christopher, Columist
Robert Gipson, Iraq War Veteran
Dee Vantuyl, Blogger and talk show host
Ivan Foley, Platte County Landmark
Becky Cordero, AFP

Keynote speaker: Chris Stigall, Talk Radio KCMO 710 AM (whose comments follow, although incomplete due to lack of memory and muscle stamina...I need to invest in a tripod)


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